Shortcut(s) Options        Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

Keep in folder - Keeps the Default Menu Folder and moves to sorting location if sorting is enabled. Applies to ''Start Menu (normal)'' only.

Keep all - Keep all available shortcuts. Applies to ''Start Menu (normal)'' only.

Adv. menu always - Force shortcut creation into an Advanced menu rather than the Standard one. In other words, never use the default Menu location - even when sorting is disabled on the current OS. ("Always Sort" flag)

No menu icons - Suppress StartMenu icon folder creation for this App/Game.

Refresh Explorer - Force a desktop refresh (without having to cycle thru a logoff then logon).

Live PE - Mark this ppApp/ppGame for LivePE's such as ppAppsLive or ppGamesLive (not implemented).

Leave alone - Suppress shortcut creation of any kind whatsoever. Over-rides "Always Sort", above. ("Never Sort" flag)

StartScreen-friendly - Over-rides KeepInFolder and KeepAll (above) to place shortcuts from the "Shortcut names to keep" list or if empty, then the first ShortcutS def listed. Note: this will only affect shortcuts on Windows 8 (NT6.2) or greater.

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