Shortcut(s) Definitions        Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

List ppApp/ppGame or extra ssApp shortcuts here. Each Shortcut is defined as follows:

Display name: This is the link (.lnk) or name of the shortcut as it will appear in the StartMenu, etc. 

Example of Usage:

My Application Name

File Target: File that will be run/opened/executed. This is the actual physical filename of an application or game; usually the .exe. Do not use parameters or arguments here (see "Arguments" below for that).

Example of Usage:


Start In: What folder to start in, or work from.

Example of Usage:

Icon File: File name of icon to use.

Example of Usage:

(Icon) Index: The icon instance to use (default is 0).

Example of Usage:

Arguments: Shortcut arguments or parameters, if any.

Example of Usage:

-ppApps -AllDrives=no

Assoc. Ext(s): File extension(s) to associate with this Shortcut/app. Over-rides Post-processing "App. Extensions". Each association can be separated by full stops (a.k.a., periods or dots), spaces, commas, pipes, or a combination of any of these.

Example of Usage:

Description: A short description of this shortcut. Also, the tooltip information in most cases.

Example of Usage:

This Application is for doing this.

Flags: Advanced or specials function(s) for this particular shortcut.

Example of Usage:

Is_x86 | Is_NT5

Catalog: (Undeveloped).

Hotkey:  Define the Hotkey/"Shortcut key" to use for this shortcut.

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