SetupS File Specification (.app/.ppg)        Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

This is the most important file of the ssTek deployment package. It is an actual (and valid) .INI-file. 

Use any text-editor, such as Notepad2, to create or modify one. Or the easiest way is to simply use the SetupS Editor (ssEditor) included with the SetupS package.

Also as in any .ini-file, most system and environmental variables, frequently seen enclosed in %...%, are recognized plus many new ones specific only to SetupS (i.e., %ppApps%). See Automatic Variable Substitutions Chart for more details.

For details, click on the Section names:

[SetupS] (Required)


(Required). Name of Application or Game.


(Optional). Version (for App's) or Copyright (for Games) information, for example:

v1.23|c2009, etc.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI. Enter a description of the application or game. Use "^^" to force line-breaks.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI. Enter websites addresses here. Separate multiple tags with "|". For example: |


(Recommended). Currently only used by ssWPI. See Category List for a complete list. Separate multiple categories with "|".


(Optional). Used by ssWPI for filtering app/game lists or by SetupS to gate installs. Use: 

  0 = None specified or "Any". Effectively the same as 15 ("All"), below.

  1 = NT5: 2000, XP, 2003, etc.                                (20)        #Is_OS=5#

  2 = NT6 (pre-Metro/Modern): Vista, 7, 2008, 2011, etc.        (21)        #Is_OS>=6.0# #Is_OS<=6.1#

  4 = Metro/Modern (pre-Win10): 8, 8.1, 2012                        (22)        #Is_OS>=6.2# #Is_OS<=6.3#

  8 = NT10: 10, 2016, etc.                                        (23)        #Is_OS>=10.0#

15 = All                                                        (1+2+4+8)


(Optional). Used by ssWPI for filtering app/game lists or by SetupS to gate installs. Use: 

1 (x86)

2 (x64)

3 (DualArch)


(Optional). Use: 





App-File Version=v9.

Used only by SetupS internally to determine what version level the current file-format was created under. A five-number group with the first number always "v9" and rest being the current project core version.

App-File Style=1(Dual)|2 (INI)

Used internally by SetupS to determine what style the current file-format was created with. Either dual-format consisting of both the legacy format and the INI-file format; or strictly just the INI-file format.


(Recommended but not required). The "Installed-to" path goes here -- the actual physical (final) location of the app or game.


(Recommended for ssApps. Optional for ppApps/ppGames). Ignored during Regen-mode. Place commands, components, directives (see below), setup, or install package(s) here with proper silent install switches or script(s) to automate the install. Mainly for SetupS/ssApps, but can be used with ppApps/ppGames for any post-install or preprocessing commands, script(s), or registry entries. Use "^^" to force line-breaks.

See these for useful  Components or Directives.

Some examples:

setup.msi /qb
%WaitForIt% "%ProgramsCommon%\TestStartmenu.lnk"
%ProcessKill% "Notepad.exe"
%AddonInstaller% "%SourcePath%\Test_addon.7z"
%AddToHosts% ""
%Extract% "Extras.rar" -o"%SystemRoot%\LastXP"
md "%ProgramFiles%\Something" #CMD#
"7z920-x64.msi" /qb #Is_x64#


(Required only if shortcuts are to be created). The original shortcut folder name for SetupS/ssApp's or default/non-advanced StartMenu folder for ppApps/ppGames. This is where shortcuts get created if no advanced StartMenu sorting is selected.


(Recommended) For Advanced StartMenu sorting only, this defines where to create shortcuts. See StartMenu Catalog for a complete list. Separate each catalog entry with "|".


(Optional or Required depending on the KeepAll flag or if BuildType is a ppApp or ppGame). List which shortcuts desired to keep (if KeepAll=No). First one listed here is the most important one as it is the one to be used for creating the Desktop, Startup, Sendto, or QuickLaunch shortcut(s).


(Optional). List the file extension(s) to associate with the entire Application or Game. The use of Gate Directives (such as #Is_x64#, #Is_NT6#, etc.) is allowed. Separate each with "|".


(Optional). List font-files here to be installed to the Windows Fonts applet. Use of %Variables% and Gate Directives (such as #Is_x64#, #Is_NT6#, etc.) is allowed. Separate each with "|".


(Optional). List any files (one per line) here to be installed via the Windows Register Server. Use of %Variables% and Gate Directives (such as #Is_x64#, #Is_NT6#, etc.) is allowed.


(Optional). Used by ssWPI for determining which get installed before or after others. Default is "5". Use as such: 

0 - Installs these before any other apps.

1 - Installs these after the "0" PriortyOrder items.

5 - Default for items without PriorityOrder provided.

9 - Graphics Drivers.

99 - Antivirus (always do these last to stop it interfering with the install and slowing down the process by scanning everything you do during the install).

100+ - Anything else that may cause ssWPI to not be automatic (user interaction).

999 - Maximum PriorityOrder.


(Optional). Merely list to set these (see list below); separating each with "|". 

Shortcut Locations (applies to all ShortcutS defs listed):


Use this to NOT create Shortcuts in the StartMenu. Over-rides the Shortcut Options flags: KeepInFolder and KeepAll, below. 


Create shortcut in "Start Menu" (a.k.a., Root). Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


Create shortcut in "Start Menu\Programs". Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


Create shortcut in "Start Menu\Programs\Startup". Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


Create shortcut in "SendTo" context-menu. Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


Create shortcut on "Desktop". Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


Create shortcut in "QuickLaunch". Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


Create shortcut(s) for "Current User" instead of "AllUsers" using above listed flags. Default is to create shortcuts for "AllUsers".


(Windows 7 only). Pins a shortcut to the Taskbar. Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.


(Windows 7 only). Pins a shortcut to the Startmenu. Only the first shortcut listed from "ShortCutNamesKeep" or from the ShortcutS defs.

Shortcut Options (applies to all ShortcutS defs listed):


Keep all the shortcuts available in the ShortcutS defs and ignore ShortCutNamesKeep.


Contain the shortcut(s) in the folder specified in "StartMenuSourcePath".


Suppress shortcut creation of any kind whatsoever. Over-rides AlwaysSort, below.


Force shortcut creation into an Advanced menu rather than the Standard one


Suppress this App's StartMenu icon folder creation


Force a desktop refresh (without having to cycle thru a logoff then logon). This will also refresh Explorer views as well.


Mark this ppApp/ppGame for LivePE's such as ppAppsLive or ppGamesLive (not implemented). 


Over-rides KeepInFolder and KeepAll (above) to place shortcuts from the 'Shortcut names to keep' list or if empty, then the first ShortcutS def listed. Note: this will only affect shortcuts on Windows 8 (NT6.2) or greater.

Post-processing Options:


Suppress SetupS related files. Basically, this prevents creation of the Aux files (screenshot, fader, etc.), advanced startmenu shortcuts, folder icons, and the .app-file. This also means that the app will be rendered invisible or nonexistent to SetupS and ssWPI.

ssWPI Options (the following only affect ssWPI):



(Optional). Extra application or game information.

Tags=Basically, a list of sub-categories.

(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI. Separate multiple tags with "|". Unlike "Category", this is a searchable-freeform field where any keyword or phrase is allowed.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.

Language=Mainly used only with NON English releases. Multilingual and bilingual are optional.

(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.

Releaser=The person or group who built or assembled this deployment package. 

(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.

Additional=Any extra information desired.

(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI. This is a numeric value representing the number of bytes on a drive an application or game takes-up after an install.


(Optional). Currently only used by ssWPI. The type of license that applies to the app or game. Used as so:

0 (N/A or Unassigned). 

1 (non-gratis). Proprietary and closed-source (commercial). Example: Microsoft Office.

2 (gratis-only). Proprietary and closed-source (non-profit). Example: Kingsoft Office.

3 (libre). Non-proprietary and open-source. Example: LibreOffice.


(Optional). List ppApp/ppGame or extra ssApp shortcuts in these section(s). {Shortcut-name} is the link or name of the shortcut as it will appear in the StartMenu, etc. Each Shortcut is defined as follows:


(Required). This is the actual physical filename of app or game; usually the .exe. Do not use parameters or arguments here (see below for that).


(Optional). What folder to start in, or work from.


(Optional). A short description of this shortcut.


(Optional). Shortcut arguments or parameters, if any


(Optional). File name of icon to use.


(Optional). The icon instance to use (default is 0)


(Optional). File extension(s) to associate with this Shortcut/app. Over-rides <Extensions> above.


(Optional). The state the shortcut is launched in. Use: 1=Normal (default), 2=Minimized, not active, 3=Maximized, 7=Minimized but not active.


(Optional). Only gates (such as Is_x64, Is_NT6, etc.) are supported at the moment.


(Optional). Not supported at the moment.

Also, unique to DualArch forms is the link names, {Shortcut-name}, will have appended either {#1} or {#2} for their respective architecture information contained within the definition.

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