Who wants to be an apz developer?

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Who wants to be an apz developer?

Postby pacav69 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:23 pm

Who wants to be an apz developer?
In this forum i will outline on how to create your own apz application.
There are plenty of examples in the repository but some people maybe curious on how to create their own apz.

So what is an apz?
An apz is an file that is compressed using 7z so that can be used in conjunction with the SetupS application for silently or unattended installation of the application.

Why install applications silently?
The advantage of installing apps silently is that you do no need to click next all the time. If you have a collection of apps that you want to install after installing an Operating System then you can create a method of installing these apps one after the other without user input making it easier.

Methods of silently installing apps
You could install using a batch file.
For example myapps.bat would have the following:
@Echo off
myapp1.exe /s
myapp2.exe /s
myapp(N).exe /s
using this method would allow the silent installation of myapp1, myapp2 etc one after the other by using the '/s' after each application, the disadvantage is that you need to know the silent switches of each of the applications as the '/s' is not the only one.

Using ssEditor
Using the editor allows the selection of an application to create an apz complete with silent switches that can be later used with SetupS application.

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