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CHANGE: Updated 7-Zip to v16.00
FIX: Shortcut for ssClean Startmenu-only to skip "Dud Install-to paths" & "Deep scan".
Should be just a drop-in update for 7-Zip -- at least no obvious bugs have been encountered (so far).

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CHANGE: Updated 7-Zip to v16.00
FIX: Shortcut for ssClean Startmenu-only to skip "Dud Install-to paths" & "Deep scan".
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CHANGE: Updated 7-Zip to v16.02
CHANGE: [ssEditor] Expanded the improved illegal characters/symbols filter for: Install-to
Path (%AppPath%), Default Menu (%SourcePath%), and any paths/filenames used
with the Shortcut Defs.
FIX: [ssEditor] Blank/empty lines removed from "URL(s)" field.
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FIX: [ssEditor] Path/filename filter removing leading or trailing dots, dashes, or underscores.
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FIX: [ssEditor] Removed debug code that was preventing proper silent switch detection.
ADD: [ssEditor] Universal Silent Switch Finder (USSF) to the Auto Silent Switch Finder (ASSF).
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CHANGE: [ssEditor] Improvements to the Auto Silent Switch Finder (ASSF).
ADD: [ssEditor] New ASSF handler for installers using UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).
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ADD: [SetupS] Function to force SetupS to wait until all other occurrences of SetupS complete.
CHANGE: [ssCore] DualArch "Wait" parameter now defaults to "off" or "NoWait".
FIX: [ssPreinstaller] Using older/broken EnvUpdate() which was causing intermittent hangs.
FIX: [SetupS] During registry imports/merges, OSArch-gates (#Is_x86#/#Is_x64#) were being
ignored with x86 ssApp-architectures, such as being installed to %ProgramFiles(x86)%.
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CHANGE: [SetupS] Some tweaks to improve the self-queuing.
FIX: [SetupS] Issue in which the self-queuing could get "stuck".
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CHANGE: [ssCore] Revert DualArch "Wait" parameter back to defaulting to "on" or
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FIX: SetupS ppApp DualArch version failing to launch into x64
FIX: Excessive ToolTip delay with Windows 10 (and maybe Windows 8)
CHANGE: Updated 7-Zip to v16.03
CHANGE: Updated Inno Setup development tool to v5.5.9
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ADD: [ssCore] A new variable %Resources% which resolves to/from "C:\Windows\Resources".
CHANGE: [ssEditor] The option "Activate Sendto Autobuild" now creates two shortcuts for
autobuilding: one for Archive (.apz/.pgz) deployment package(s) and the other for Folder
deployment package(s).
CHANGE: [ssCore] Shortcut definitions "Flags" can also recognize "#Is_x86#"/"#Is_x64#"
(DualArch useage). This is in addition to "Is_x86"/"Is_x64" or "Is_86"/"Is_64".
FIX: [ssCore] Enabling the "Refresh Explorer" Shortcut Option would also select the
"Desktop" Shortcut Location.
CHANGE: [SetupS] Removed functions not needed when using -Regen features. Speeds up LivePE
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