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What's the time?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:08 pm
by bphlpt
To lighten the mood a bit, check this out -

Watch for a bit, change your system clock and reload the page.

The translated text says:

The artist, Mark Formanek, with the support of Datenstrudel created watches that are constructed in real time. 24 hours, 70 workers, 30 boards, 1611 changes. Construction of 4 meters in height and 12 in length, was constructed continuously throughout the day in Berlin Sculpture Park. Video of the process is synchronized with the time at which your computer is configured.

Very cool!

Cheers and Regards

Re: What's the time?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:47 pm
by The Freezer
I still can't figure it out. Too much sun today out on the bicycles? LOL